Monday, September 19, 2011

This Much I Know: SAHM Edition

Since being at home with Evaline for the past four weeks, there are certain truths I have come to realize about being here with an infant all day and all night.

1. It's easier to be naked. All day and all night. And clearly, having just birthed a baby, this has nothing to do with my libido or pride in my not rockhard body. Between breast feeding and being pooped on, going bare is just easier than 14 costume changes per day. We've been leaving the windows open and blinds up to let the wonderful Fall air come in these days, so I have to be strategic about which windows I pass.

2. I've become far too intimate with TV commercials. I know every commercial jingle on the air right now and if I had to name my top ten favorite songs, a couple of those jingles might make the list.

3. I'll never think of being a stay at home mom the same way again. While pregnant with Evaline I told Ryan we may need to seriously look at our plan and financial outlook because I had a feeling I might want to reconsider going back to work. While I would not trade these weeks at home with this baby and would love to have a few more than the three months I am taking, I now know going back to work is the best decision for all of us. Staying home with her is more challenging than I ever imagined (also more rewarding) and I really do have a new-found respect for those who do it.

4. I will not ever get done all of the things I planned to do. Before Evaline, I imagined that during my maternity leave I would have all of this leisure time to do many of the things I neglected to do while keeping up with hectic work and social schedules. I was going to learn to play guitar, write or blog everyday, clean out & organize every closet, hold a garage sale, host a sip & see for folks to meet E, host a party for my childbirth class, have birth announcements out by month one - and more (yes more). I also told the cleaning lady I wouldn't be needing her much for the next three months since I'd be staying home. She, having three kids, looked at me with pity in her eyes as if to say, "Oh honey. You really have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, do you?"

I wish I had a number 5 right now because I just like a list of 5 better than a list of 4, but I don't want to force myself to make something up. These flowed out of me like water because they are true. I know a #5 and beyond will come to me soon.

{5 minutes later after a Facebook break}

5. If I stayed at home, my family might be in the red. If I "like" one more cute kid's clothes/monogramming business on Facebook, I will have more retails friends than real people friends. I am addicted - my heart races when I see that a new cute outfit/applique/squeaky shoe is posted. I have been able to refrain from buying much, but that is only because I really don't know how clothes will fit her as she grows so don't know what sizes to buy. Once I know her growth track a little better, and if I were still sitting here browsing between her naps, it could get ugly. I also try to get out once every other day with her, which typically indicates going to some type of retail establishment and buying something. I need to go to more museums.

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