Tuesday, November 1, 2011

She's Blooming!

Miss Evaline is two and half months old. She smiles. She coos. She steals more of our hearts every day. She loves her paci and her thumb equally.

As you can see in the photo above, she's a long one! At her two month check up, she was in the 97th percentile for both height and weight, meaning she is taller and heavier than 97% of other little ones her age. She was 12.4 ozs and 24.5 inches long. She's too long for most three month outfits and is already sporting six month attire. They are a little loose on her but at least cover her long legs!

Aside from growing, she also spends her time staring at the mobiles above her changing table and in her crib. She's lifting her head like a champ. She's also spent a lot of time watching UT football with Dad.

Two months old, cheering on the Vols with Dad and Mr. Brian

She's seen her Noni and Poppy at least once a week. I think she is as in love with them as they are with her.

She's had an exciting couple of months. She got to meet her cousins George and Lily. I see a lot of fun and mischief in their futures. She also got to meet Aunt Alicia and Uncle Dale - we were so fortunate to spend Aunt Alicia's birthday with her! Evy also met Papa Tom who has nicknamed her "Gorgeous." She really lucked out with that nickname. I was branded "Miss Priss." :-) Mimi and Papa also met her and we so enjoyed visiting with them. And Cousin Willie just adores his Cousin Evaline. He loved holding her and talking to her and singing to her. He said, "She's pretty just like her Mama." (Awww.) To which Papa Tom promptly said, "No, Willie. She's prettier than her Mama." Oh, Papa - as Willie would say.

She loves her daddy so very much. It's hard to tell who she looks like. Sometimes, she is my mirror image. I think it's the eyes. Other times, she makes faces that are her dad, for sure.

Time - it's ticking away. It flies. It goes by way too fast. I now understand every cliche I've ever heard about time. I can hardly believe nearly three months have passed since Evaline was born. And yet, it seems like forever ago that we were a family of two. My maternity leave ends the week of Thanksgiving and I can feel the walls closing in. I had a bit of a meltdown last week about "leaving her" but am now just focusing on taking in every moment. I know that going back to work is the best thing for our family - and that she will always be loved and she will be cared for whether I am in her face 20 hours a day or not. Although it will be really tough to go back, I am actually looking forward to getting back into a routine and seeing all of my work family. There is one thing I know it won't change: I'll continue to fall in love with her more and more everyday. My sweet Evaline. As I type she is quietly cooing in her crib just waiting for someone to come get her - so better run!

We LOVE taking walks! Sometimes we walk with our friends, Dena, Maria, Renee and Charlie. We walked with Ava and Tran this week. And sometimes, it's just Mommy and me. Although a summer pregnancy was tough, this is the best time to have a newborn. The weather is perfect for going outside.

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