Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The code and format on this blog is jacked up, so I'm working on it. If anyone reads this and has any tips, let me know!

Speaking of Jack, I didn't know it at the time but I was pregnant with him when I published the previous post. I found out a few days later. I am 21 weeks now and he is scheduled to make his arrival on May 30. Jack ____ McKee. Right now, I think it is down to Jack Nelson (after Willie  Nelson), Jack Thomas (after Papa) and Jack William (after cousin Willie).

To say we were surprised is an understatement. And to say I never thought that previous statement would come out of my brain is - well, not an understatement, that is true. I have been humbled - when people would say, "It was an accident!" in the past, I would think to myself, "Uh, they know how to get pregnant and how not to get pregnant. There are no accidents." Well, without going into detail, there are - it happened to us.

So yes, we were surprised, but are now so very enamored with the little boy growing inside of me. I feel him kick now, and each time it reminds me to soak this up (we aren't planning another pregnancy). I can't imagine a little boy -- I've only known little girls -- but I am certain I will learn and love being a boy mama.

Parenting sure is more challenging and more rewarding than I ever imagined.

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