Monday, November 30, 2009

It's been a while and I think I am going to give this blogging thing a try. I originally started this blog for the sole purpose of sharing our wedding story with no intentions of continuing on. I'm not sure why. Perhaps because most of the blogs I read are written by moms who document their lives and those of their children. I love reading these. I don't have little ones, so perhaps don't know if I have anything of interest to share. Also, I am not sure how much I want the world to know about my life and I don't want to drag my friends and family into this public blogosphere, but know that inevitably, they are who I will write about. However, all fears and worries and reservations aside, I'd like to keep this up. I like writing. I like connecting with people. And I like documenting my thoughts - it helps me workshop through stuff that is going on.

I would like to write about this first year of marriage, as Mr. Mc and I just celebrated our anniversary. I'll do that soon, but wanted to first jot down something fresh on my mind. It's random and likely of little or no interest to anyone who may be reading this, but the dream I had last night is haunting me today. John Mayer was the center of said dream, and it was, unfortunately, completely G-rated. He first showed up as a toll-booth operator in Birmingham, Alabama. I don't think they have toll-roads in B'ham, but never-the-less, there he was, taking my $9 (the charge was $6 but I tipped him $3 - I guess just for being handsome and terribly talented). He gave me a knowing glance as he took my cash as if to say "don't tell - but yes - it is me." Then, as I am sitting in my office in Birmingham (I must have been traveling for work), I look out my 20th-or-so floor window to see Mr. Mayer, outside on one of those treacherous cart-thingees washing my window. He gives me the same knowing glance (if this had been a movie instead of a dream, you might see a little twinkle effect in his eye) and went about his washing. And that was pretty much it. I am not quite sure how to analyze this very vivid dream, but it was quite interesting. This dream, plus cold-like symptoms, kept me up off and on all night long. It was not easy getting up this morning - actually, it was damn near impossible. I felt like I'd been hit by the holiday food, booze and Monday blues truck. I seemed so removed from work after the long weekend of family and friends and doing absolutely nothing in my spare time. I suppose I could get use to that, but I'd likely get bored. And very, very fat.

1 comment:

Ms. Sarah Sullivan said...

you are too freaking funny. i laughed out loud when i read "john mayer". i believe this dream should be interpreted as...the grass is not always greener. we may have school-girl crushes on these celebrities, but at the end of the day they could have just as easily ended-up as regular ol' toll booth operators or window washers:)