Monday, July 20, 2009

I just love this picture. I borrowed it from a blog that just makes me so happy! The blogger snapped this photo and put it under things that make her happy: "seeing a couple that grew old together and still not wanting to be apart."
I wish this kind of love for all of us! How special.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Days are Long but the Years are Short

I invite you to view this one-minute movie.
Although I don't have a little one to take to school each day, I still get this. There are times I feel like I am moving through life, tackling task after task, and not really living it. This was a great reminder for me to live each moment - taking nothing for granted.

The movie was created by Gretchen Rubin, author of the
blog (and the book of the same title), The Happiness Project. I started reading her blog as part of a work project and got hooked. Recently, I have seen several people severely affected by the the toll that life in general takes. Stress really does damage our physical beings - perhaps more then we know. Just as I try to take great care of my body by eating well, brushing & flossing, exercising, etc. - I know that I should put just as much effort into the betterment of my soul.
Remember to enjoy the days, friends - even when they are long.