Saturday, February 14, 2009

Introducing the Newest Member of the McKee clan

Clancy Hasselhoff "The Hoff" McKee

Clancy (KLAN-see): An ancient Irish name meaning "red warri0r".

Hasselhoff (HASS-uhl-hoff): Starred in the 80s hit "Knight Rider". Also has a promising musical career in Asia. Also gets hammered and devours cheeseburger. Our "Hoff" is a big fan of vodka, beer, and we are sure if we allowed it, cheeseburgers.

Hoff has already done a lot of living in his short nine weeks of life. He, along with his two sisters, was rescued by a family of good Samaritans from a ditch near a highway two Sundays ago. We have no idea how long these little warriors had been out there all on their own, but I am sure they had an excellent adventure. As you can see, he is clearly exhausted.Hoff’s two sisters found excellent homes, and I’d like to think he did too. He came to live with us last Saturday. We did not want a puppy, and it was understood that Hoff’s foster family would gladly take the cuddly pupster back if for some reason he did not like our home (aka – if we could not handle a puppy). But the moment I laid my eyes on the little guy, I knew he was ours to keep.

He is challenging for sure. As Ryan puts it, “pee just falls out of him”. He also has very smelly poop and I am going to have to get used to cleaning it from the yard. He howls at night at random times in the crate or if we leave him outside … or if we love the room – our vet says it is because he gets lonely. So, the last week has been full of sleepless nights, dozens of loads of laundry to clean up “pee” towels, chasing him down with a bottle of carpet cleaner behind him, stepping in the dog poop that is spread all across the yard, separating him and Lola when he invades her space … and more … but, he is worth it.

Yes, Lola is not his biggest fan, but we have no doubt, she will warm up to him soon. His charm is undeniable.

Right now, he lets you love him and hug him like a little baby and will fall asleep right in your arms!

He does not wiggle and try to get away – he loves to be loved and I LOVE! However, if you plan to come by and snuggle with the little fuzz-ball, you’d best do it now. We are not sure of his exact “breed mix”, but we are quite sure he is mostly Mastiff. That’s right, he is gonna be a big one!!!!! Look, he’s already the size of a four month old baby (who is the size of a six month old,.by the way).

Aunt Alexis and Hoff have playtime with Charles Madison (look at that doll-baby!) and his dad, Clark.

We love him! Please come by and hold him and rock him while you can. And don’t pay attention if the house smells like pee, Lola tries to go home with you, and me and Ryan take advantage of your visit to go take a nap/clean the house/shower – all the things that are tough to do with a new puppy around. If Hoff has taught us anything so far, it is that we are not totally ready to be parents of a newborn. He is training us to do that now.